(413) 320-2644

Yellow Ribbon Trucking

Omasta Landscaping is Hiring

Looking for full-time construction / hardscape foreman

Omasta Landscaping is looking to bring on board a full time construction / hardscape forman. You choose, hourly or salary. Hourly rate between $22 - $27 per hour to start, or $46,000 - $53,000 per year salary.

Your credentials and certificates / licensees and past job completion portfolio will dictate your pay. Included: health insurance, retirement plan, company vehicle. We are located in Hadley, MA.

We also have a couple other similar select positions, including a horticulture / planting specialist.

Email Chris Omasta directly at chrisomasta@yahoo.com

Posted: to Yellow Ribbon Trucking News on Sat, Mar 3, 2018
Updated: Sat, Mar 3, 2018